Here you can read about Previsto's terms and conditions, related to cancellation, liability, termination, etc.
Previsto is owned by Previsto and intends to help service providers plan and manage their work. By using Previstos services and products you accept the following terms. Read them therefore thoroughly.
Previsto ApS
Gyldenløvesgade 9
4200 Slagelse
CVR-nr. 37 43 39 69
Last revised march 2024.
Previsto is a management system (system) which consists of an online interface (Back Office application) as well as a mobile application (app). The system is available on a subscription basis.
By entering into an agreement with Previsto on using the system - either as free or paid version - you (the customer) agrees to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Previsto gives the Customer a non-exclusive, non-transferable and limited right to use the system.
All rates are quoted in USD, EUR, NOK, SEK, GBP and DKK and is ex. VAT. Changes in exchange rates, taxes, insurance, net price index, cargo, procurement costs or other expenses means that Previsto can adjust prices without further notice.
By agreeing to a subscription the customer gives Previsto permission to automatically and continuously pull subscription amount using the customer's credit card. Subscription amount is deducted prior to the period paid for.
When you add an additional member in the middle of a subscription period, an amount equal to the price of an additional member will be charged for the rest of the current subscription period.
By capturing on the customer's credit card in connection with the subscription renewal an invoice will be sent for the purchase to the customer's email. Invoices are also avaiable in the Web Application.
The customer may at any time change or delete Credit Card Information in "Settings" -> "Subscription" in the Web Application.
We accept the following Credit Cards: Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, JCB og American Express.
This Agreement applies as long as the customer has an account that allows access to the system. A Customer can access the system by creating an account on Customer access to the system is controlled by the account's expiration date. If the expiration date has not passed the Customer has full access and can see the previously entered data and enter new data. If the expiration date is exceeded, the Customer may see previously entered data, but can no longer enter new data.
The payment is subject to the statutory 14 days to cancel.
You can cancel your subscription with Previsto via the "Subscription" under "Settings". Termination shall be no later than the day before a new subscription period begins.
The information the Customer enters into the system remains confidential and will under no circumstances be shared with a third party in a form that is identifiable. The information can be used for statistical purposes, without any way of identifying where the information comes from.
Information derived from the statistical material gathered may in special cases be sold. At no time will information about the Customer or its data be available to a third party in a way that makes the Customer identifiable.
The customer has at any time access to its own account and all the data related to it. If the customer chooses to terminate his subscription, or expiration date is exceeded, none of customer data will be deleted and the customer can always use these data again by renewing his subscription.
If Previsto wants to close access to the application then it can be done without any valid reason, but must be alerted by e-mail three months before the closure. The Customer has in this period, the ability to retrieve data entered in the system. This does not apply if the customer has not paid for access to the system.
Previsto reserves the right to update and change the system. The aim is to perform these updates so they do not interfere with the Customer. In some cases it will be necessary to block access to the system while updates are made. Previsto seeks the highest possible operational stability of the system, but does not guarantee this.
Previsto reserves the right to send e-mails to the Customer when the application has been updated, or if any other developments are deemed interesting for the Customer.
The use of the system is done entirely at your own risk and Previsto not be liable for any direct or indirect losses that may arise due to using it. Previsto is not liable for any cause of data loss, regardless of the fault. Previsto of course makes its best efforts to ensure that Customer data is not lost or unauthorized persons gain knowledge of them. All pages SSL-encrypted web pages to prevent unauthorized access to data. Previsto is also not responsible for problems occurring due to matters outside Previsto's control. This applies for example to power failures, internet connection problems, problems with hardware, hacker attacks, viruses or other forms of force majeure. Previsto is solely liable for intentional or gross negligence. Previsto's maximum liability to the Customer may for whatever reason do not exceed an amount equal to the Customer's total payment 1 year's use of the system.
Unless otherwise indicated, Previsto holds the copyright to all material on
Previsto may at any time modify and update these conditions and information on rights.
By any disagreement between the Customer and Previsto, the disagreement is to be settled by Danish law with the Court of Næstved, Denmark as the first instance.